Rover- Is this the part where your mother should have told you to win with class, lose with class? Gloating is counter-productive. How about figuring out how to make the thing work?
Obviously the raging orgasm you've had over this diseased piece of legislative shiite has clouded your thinking.
When do my health insurance premiums go down?
I was excited to hear they are going to pay for yearly physicals for Medicare. This is really big! They were only paying for 1 in a lifetime and only in the 1st 6 months of enrollment. After that they made the person pay and if they didn't get one we had $ withheld because they weren't getting good care but they couldn't afford to come. This is HUGE!
Who is "they"?
This ought to go over like a fart in church.
spending lowers deficits? what school did you go too?
and plante26 is right on.
You want GOP answers - ending slavery, winning WWII (Ike), freeing the Soviet Bloc (Peace through strength, "mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall"), more votes for the civil rights act, etc.
F Roosevelt extended the depression with his social welfare policies and he was saved by WWII.
Jack Kennedy may have inadvertently backed off the soviets from Cuba, but in the process allowed thousands of Cubans to die at the bay of pigs after backing off his promise to them of air support.
let's just talk about today.
Obama - mr. smartest president to ever be elected.
Iran in our faces with their nuclear reactor, working with Russia with absolutely no fear of discipline or reprisal from the U.S. Would never happen under a strong GOP president.
Telling Israel that in effect we care more about the palestinian cause than their cause, thereby fracturing an alliance and friendship that has lasted since 1948 would never happen under a strong GOP president. EVER.
And I assume Rover, you were one who was yelling that George Bush (who I am NOT a fan of) alienated our allies by not listening to them....
well, Che Obama has alienated the same only with his arrogance and conceit. He practically won't even talk to these leaders.
Unemployment is at 10% nationally and this idealogue instead of focusing on jobs focuses on his Alinskyite quest for national healthcare that won't just ruin the best healthcare system in the world (see doctors leaving the field, see higher premiums, see rationing, and more), but bankrupt our shrinking private sector as he's already set-out to destroy what's left of it.
Is there anything Obama is doing that is not dividing the country, trashing the constitution, and destroying wealth?
Whomever the next president is, they're going to find out what these 350 unelected czar-type's have been up too and boot their asses into jail.
and to stuff the justice department with lawyers who defended gitmo detainees (when you've got a recidivism rate that's at least 20-25% that we know of, that is those caught re-fighting the war against us)
apologizing for the U.S. (thanks Saul)
give me a break. I know you're trying to get a rise out of some of us but how about giving this clown in office a serious look and some serious scrutiny
"We, they people...."![]()
You better hope that you aren't first in line for a death panel review because they will definitely determine that you should be put down. Your complete lack of any cognitive ability or any rational thought makes you totally worthless.
Oh, I forgot, there are no death panels. Boner and Mitch McTurtle made that up. I guess you're safe.
Wait, that's a bad thing?
You better hope that you aren't first in line for a death panel review because they will definitely determine that you should be put down. Your complete lack of any cognitive ability or any rational thought makes you totally worthless.
Oh, I forgot, there are no death panels. Boner and Mitch McTurtle made that up. I guess you're safe.
you wanna keep name-calling bill maher stuff there's nothing to be done for you.
funny how when one brings up these points certain people go scanners....hit pretty closer there chewie?
Pot, there's a kettle on line 2 for you.
that's original. bring the real debate. I'm ready
I'd be happy to debate you. It'd be easy to knock down your arguments, but just listing every grievance you have that you heard on clusterFox news isn't an argument. You're just ****ed that you lost and you're venting.
I was actully going to repsond to your list but the gitmo lawyers was the last straw. Not even the wingiest of wingnuts actually believes that. It's a none issue. Liz Cheney fabricated that issue and was immediatley condmened as totally wrong by almost all of Bush's justice dept lawyers. Quite simply, you can't be taken seriously.