Seeing as everybody's been dying to hear from me on this subject, I thought I'd make a few public comments to share with the USCHO community. Particularly a certain sub-set of this message board...
Now, while its tempting to go
BWAAAA HAHAHAHAHAHA I'm going to hold off on that and address the crackpots first (you know who you are):
Too often the loudest anti-something voices are the ones who stand for nothing. The same people who had their "I voted for Obama but he let me down" speech written two days before his inauguration.

To put it simply, you can now say for once in your lives politicians but their careers on the line to do the right thing, and tackle a pressing problem instead of just punting it down the road. See, borrowing money to pay for tax cuts for wealthy campaign contributors is an easy vote to take. On the other hand, the last two tough votes, taken over 16 years apart, both came from Dem Congresses determined to put a dire issue on the right track (Clinton deficit reduction bill, now Obamacare). In the intervening years, no tough votes were taken, and not so coincidentally that's when the GOP held power. Its fine to say that politicians don't step up enough. However, when they do and you still deny it happened, you come off as a fool. Lets salute the brave respresentatives, all Democrats just like the last time, who put what was right over what was politically expedient.
Now onto the knucks'.

What a bunch of whiny losers. Here's da facts, jack. Your side just got health care rammed down your throats, and even with all the heavy panting over Scott Brown's Cosmo spread there was nothing you could do to stop it. This is a permanent change despite the desperate lunacy that you're now trying to cling to (court challenges, repeal, etc). Basically lies, racial epithats, fear mongering, and spitting on Congressmen didn't work. Never has one side of the ideological spectrum looked like such juvenile crybabies. No, I'm not talking about the activists, I'm talking about Republican elected officials. Much like SoS, Medicare, Civil Rights, etc once again you're completely on the wrong side of history. You'd think they'd smarten up once in awhile, but I guess not. No real solutions were offered by the caveman party. No actions were taken when they were in power. No teabagger protests occured when the prescription drug mandate was passed. Now we're supposed to believe righties as the champions of fiscal prudence? Puh-leeze. We trust you guys like we'd trust Rep. Foley drunk outside the male house page intern dorm.
Funny how whenever big and great things are done, its always the Dems bringing them about. Who brought the country out of the Great Depression? Who won WWII? Who enacted the greatest program to lift people out of poverty ever and care for them in old age? Who forced the Soviets to back down in Berlin & Cuba? Who gave us victory in the space race? Who gave us balanced budgets and ended genocide in Bosnia? Who gave us practically universal health care? Now, what does the GOP have to stack against that? Tax cuts for big campaign contributors.
Its a great day for this country, and God Bless America.