To enroll in any government health care program? Even then, a photo ID helps to prove its really you. At any rate, why reject an amendment asking that photo ID be required as further proof of identity?
Lindsey Graham risks offending the knuckledraggers.
edit: sorry, wrong thread. I got my deathers and birthers mixed up. So many crazies to sort through.
That's because you already have to produce a birth certificate as proof of your identity. Next.
Moving on from talk show discussion points, there's a proposal from Sen Carper to allow the public option on a statewide basis - if the state chooses to do so. So, it would be up to each one whether or not to enact it without being required to do so. That seems like a good idea to me. Wondering what the objections might be....
Looks like states would apply to set up with some seed capital money, then would have to be self sufficient. Would need approval from gov and legislature. So, what other objections would there be to this?
We could do retina scans and DNA testing also. I think the point is, how much documentation do you need before the cure becomes more trouble than the problem. If somebody is going to go through the trouble of faking their birth certificate, wouldn't they be just as likely to fake a photo ID?![]()
A quick photo ID check is like a no brainer. It's not like its going to cost the gov't a bunch of money to implement. Heck, you have to show a photo ID to fly nowadays, and that's for US Citizens. What's the big deal about not wanting to do the extra step to try and verify an immigrant's status?
I understand what you are saying but how are you going to deal with all the people who do not have photo id like kids? Birth certificate covers everyone.
I understand what you are saying but how are you going to deal with all the people who do not have photo id like kids? Birth certificate covers everyone.
I understand what you are saying but how are you going to deal with all the people who do not have photo id like kids? Birth certificate covers everyone.
C'mon Les
You know they aren't going to deal with it, come one come all
Why do we need the federal gov't to enact state law?!?!?! God, i mean, that's the big obvious one. Tenth amendment alone invalidates this one.
Photo ID is a right wing excuse to deny people something, be it health care, voting rights, etc. As has been said, everybody has a birth certificate. Unless there's massive instances of fraud that requires something additional for verification, what exactly is the point of adding more costs and layers of paperwork?
But I still get a little wierded out when I show up to vote and just say my name and they check me off without any proof whatsoever that I am who I say I am. (They might ask me to confirm my address, but that's not exactly hard information to find/make up).
Photo ID is a right wing excuse to deny people something, be it health care, voting rights, etc. As has been said, everybody has a birth certificate. Unless there's massive instances of fraud that requires something additional for verification, what exactly is the point of adding more costs and layers of paperwork?
Photo ID is a right wing excuse to deny people something, be it health care, voting rights, etc. As has been said, everybody has a birth certificate. Unless there's massive instances of fraud that requires something additional for verification, what exactly is the point of adding more costs and layers of paperwork?
You really need to step outside of the Ministry of Truth for a little fresh air once in a while.
Everyone has photo ID and its the only way to demonstrate you are who you are. Any HS frosh that has messed with ID's can attest to this.
OTOH, leave it to the Dems to come up with "Motor Voter", et al, in order to recruit more of the weak-minded by promising utopia, jobs and all the mary jane you can smoke in a month - for FREE!!
ETA...and let's not forget ACORN and similar leftist efforts like handing out free smokes to bums on the street and nips of Jack to the peeps on reservations in exchange for votes.
You have to be kidding me. I really hope you don't actually believe that. Photo ID is such a basic requirement for so many things in life. It's nothing more the proving you are who you say you are. It's not like anyone over 18 years old (who isn't a complete lazyass) doesn't have either a driver's license or a free state ID card.
You're trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist in any widespread form.
You're way too wound up and I fear I may have to call the secret service on you again.