Re: America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 - Part 2 - Deathers vs. Commies
Just curious, the Dems are in power. They have the White House, a huge majority in the House, and a filibuster proof Senate. So why are they (and you) so concerned with the GOP rather than getting their (and your) agenda moving?
Some good comments made already on this, so apologies if I reiterate another poster.
1) I think the GOP has behaved like juvenile idiots on this. They've been behaving in this manner since the mid to late 90's. There was a time when the GOP stood on principle (when they first took Congress) and then pragmatism (working with Clinton after the electorate shifted on them) to balance budgets, welfare reform, etc. Now all moderates have been driven out of the party, and its run by idiots. Really, what's the difference between GOP elected leaders (Boehner, Inhofe, Coburn, etc) and right wing talk show hosts? Not a lot. So, while they could have been more cooperative, they've chosen to pursue a delay strategy based on lunacy like "death panels" and other such nonsense. They deserve to be called out as laughingstocks.
2) As has been said, the GOP is now ideologically pure, while the Dems are arguably the broadest coalition seen in a generation (no party has had this many senate seats since the late 70's). That causes problems, especially when all Republicans are voting in lockstep against anything proposed by the other side. Having said that, somebody is 100% correct in that Dems are too cautious, while the GOP will govern like they won a mandate even if they really won by a vote. That gets my grudging respect.
3) Lastly Obama has done quite a bit. If he was a do-nothing President, why would the righties be so angry at him?

I'm not sure what everybody's expectations where, but he 1) pumped stimulus money into a sinking economy, a practice followed by every single other major world power, 2) banned torture and is emptying Gitmo, 3) drawing down in Iraq, 4) forced banks to improve their capital positions, and 5) saved the domestic auto industry. Soon to come - once in a generation health care reform and financial regulation reform. That's a pretty good list of accomplishments for his agenda. Remember, the way to judge is now how right wingers feel about it, its how well did he keep his promises. So far he's done pretty well in that regard.
On a side note, interesting that Tommy Thompson, Bloomberg and Frist have all endorsed the health care plan. Funny how Republicans can be bipartisan once they no longer need to kowtow down to party leadership.