But yet Minnesota is. Minnesota where the Governor has been Blue for over a decade, both houses are Blue and where the majority of the people live in The Cities which are...say it with me now...BLUE!
mookie, let me tell you a little something I have to point out every two years or so and everyone always seems to forget. Right about now there is always polling that shows the Dems are in trouble here. Whether it is Omar (my rep) who is going to struggle, or Angie Craig, or Keith Ellison will lose to some no name lawyer, or Tina Smith is going to have issues with Jason Lewis (hey dx remember that poll that had them tied in like July) and it is super close, or Tim Walz is being pressured by some rando for Governor or that the National GOP is going to find a way to flip the state in the Presidential...it is always something. Then, when all is said and done the margins end up being almost always the same. Ya know why, because polling tends to overcompensate for the mass amounts of people in a few population centers by over-polling outstate. Outstate, where the cows outpopulate the people. That gins up the "Its gonna be a close race!!111!" headlines that the networks and newspapers love and everyone freaks out for the summer...until the State Fair hits and you really see how things are playing out. And this is how it plays out in those "horse races":
Tina Smith won by almost 6% and she might be the most boring candidate ever.
Omar deals with a primary challenge and then they announce she won the actual election 2 minutes after the polls close. (which would be true of any Dem in her district)
Tim Walz wins by 8% and laughs his way to re-election
Angie Craig won her re-election with 51% of the vote...a district that previous to her was Red for like 15 years.
Keith Ellison is still the AG. (though that was close)
Minnesota is not in play.