Sorry that you are missing my point. I'm not trying to compromise between dumpy and the right and Democrats. Not what so ever, and it's kind of insulting that you think that I'm trying to find middle ground between the two.
I'm just looking for someone to come up with some ideas for the dying towns.
Your heart is in the right place, I get it. Telling someone they can't make it where they are, and they'll have to pull up stakes and move to improve their lives is never easy. But you know what? Many of our ancestors were forced to do just that back in the 19th century. The difference today is that our entire culture and way of life has changed, and it makes those life-altering decisions even harder.
The economy now favors the educated. Unfortunately, the cost of higher education is truly out of control, and in many ways it is merely a form of class gatekeeping. Can't come up with $60,000 to obtain at least a business degree? Tough sh*t, in many cases you're still not even getting an interview for that entry-level white collar role. Despite the fact that the things you learn in most B schools, you could just as easily learn on the d@mn job. But sometimes you can sub the degree requirement for 6-8 years of relevant experience - which you got where, exactly?
In another positive development, women are no longer automatically resigned to a life of caring for a (pick any or all) drunken/abusive/philandering spouse and his kids. But they now also compete for jobs that used to automatically go to men, and are still paid substantially less for the same job and hours worked, even when they're top performers.
Ultimately though, the people that fall for the cultural warfare that Republicans peddle are just not all that bright, and they are all too happy to remain in the dark rather than admit any need for self-improvement.