Hug someone you care about...
I remember a news story a year or so in to the Trump admin. They were asking people in coal country (probly WV) about Trump's promise to "bring coal back" and how that would work. Everyone they talked to, including coal people, admitted coal was on its way out and they needed to concentrate on training people for new jobs and focusing on new industries (for example, nature tourism, with some of the lovely forest and hills WV has). WHICH IS EXACT WHAT HILLARY PROPOSED, and yet they still voted for Trump anyways. They ignored the person who was actually pushing the solution that would help them and voted for the person with the cute slogan. So, I mean, I know it's a tough inflection point for them, but in the words of Dr Cox, "help me help you, help me help you".
Same here. Up north the out of work miners voted Trump because he said he would reopen the mines. When confronted with the fact he was obviously lying because it's not profitable they said they knew but they just wanted to believe.
They turned on the party that was literally help8ng pay their bills.