If users on certain message boards reported these "obvious" trolls then maybe the moderators would take action. It receives so little use the moderator inbox has cobwebs.
The moderation team (you know it isn't just one person, right?) has taken a hands-off attitude when it comes to policing this board, particularly in political threads where you should know what to expect. I have taken to ignoring these political threads most of the time because the sheer tonnage of garbage spewed forth by supposedly intelligent people would stun a team of oxen in its tracks. Being exposed to this much toxicity on a regular basis has proved a detriment to my mental health. But you (the collective you) don't seem to mind so
laissez faire it is. If you would prefer hall monitors who check passes and hand out demerits, that can be arranged. Just don't get upset if you discover a ruler rapping
you in the wrists.
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