My thoughts:
1. This is petty, but I have to laugh that Liquor Man couldn't even beat "Crystals" Williamson, who already dropped out. :-D
2. The bad news for Dump, despite his win, is that his numbers in purple Oakland and Kent Counties were soft. Even in oft-maligned Ottawa County, the heart of West Shore Michigan conservaderp, Haley managed to syphon off a third of R votes. Keep in mind, she spent almost no time and very little money here.
3. The total ballots cast was about 1.9 million (~750k Dem and ~1.1m R), which is less than the 2.3 million who voted in Michigan's 2020 primary and 2.6 million who voted in the 2016 primary. Voter enthusiasm for the rematch is obviously poor at the moment, and considering Trumpism's ongoing struggles in key suburban areas since 2018, that likely bodes worse for Cheeto than it does for Biden.
4. The "uncommitted" protest was predictably overblown. The majority of those folks will turn out for Biden in the end, no matter what the media says (and they're already wringing their hands). He still broke 80% no problem.