You would think, but just remember how much trouble Dems have had exposing stupid and/or evil Republicans. Mondale with Reagan. Gore and Kerry with Dubya. Hillary with Dump.
Sometimes a target is so dumb or brutal or disgusting even getting in the ring with them is a loss for you, and every point you make seems like beating up on the retar-ded kid, and you fall behind farther the more reason you use.
Penetrating those guys' Magic Shield of Stupidity is its own skill. Very few intelligent people are good at it, because they have been trained to engage with other intelligent people of good will. Bill Clinton, Al Franken, Bernie Sanders, and Gavin Newsom are among the very few smart people who can win a debate against a dumb person in front of a dumb audience. It's hard.
I would think litigators would be a good place to go for those people. They have to win their cases in front of rock stupid jurors.
I don't know that these are great comps. Reagan was
way smarter than he let on (... until he wasn't, obviously), and used that "oh gee shucks" thing as pure cover. And Mondale was part of that "I have all the facts, and it's self-evident, and people will obviously see that" pie-in-the-sky thinking that Dukakis shared (and led to him losing in MA, and then nationally).
W Bush was similarly much smarter than the derp exterior he portrayed. Watch some of his speeches and debates as governor of Texas. It was like he was a different person than the one that ran for President and won twice. And Gore and Kerry are like... charisma black holes.
And Hillary... the less said about her the better. When she allegedly asked rhetorically why she wasn't beating Trump by 50, we should have known she was going to lose.
I agree with your last point though. I read something interesting today on the debate last night. Newsome and DeSantis came in with two
wildly different approaches to debate, complete with different languages, audiences, and thresholds for victory. You see Fox News declaring DeSantis a resounding victor, while the rest of the country is like "uhhh... dude... that was a massacre the other way". Why? Because DeSantis wasn't trying to debate in the traditional sense. Anecdotes. Smudged numbers. Buzzwords. "Fake News" over and over. That was his method because that's what
his people want. Meanwhile, Newsome
debated... like an actual debate. He's quick on his feet, had his facts straight despite Fox's lame attempts at "nuh uh!!!".
And ultimately, that's a big problem. Our country is so divided that not only do we not agree on a fundamental set of facts, we don't even speak the same language to each other. It's a real problem, considering these people vote and they are utterly unmoored from reality.