since we've still not been caught. Whereas the Soviets have been caught so much- when do we expect them to be actually representing themselves???
I say all of this is solved the instant we take the country name off the athlete.
We don't "cheat." We control the rules. We are the world's white collar criminal -- when we do it, it's legal.
The Russians are incompetent plus they don't care -- so they gallumph their way from one cheating scandal to the next, with a middle finger. It's probably better for their ruling elite when they get caught because then they get to play the victim. Think of how the Right in our country gets
stronger when they get convicted, because their authoritarians rally round the family pocket full of shells. The Russians do the same thing -- Moscow loves it when they can scream about American hypocrisy.
We work differently. America is about winning and monetizing winning, so everything is gold-plated and we made sure the professional barrier was destroyed. We rally our patriots with victories. So we set the rules and then we win by them.
China's going to be even worse than Russia. They're going to cheat because they don't care, but then they're going to do their weird passive aggressive combination of bribery and sulking so nobody calls them on it. But just as we could outspend Russia 10:1, eventually China will be doing that to us, so America is going to have to find a new way to peacock.
Personally, I'd rather live in an America world empire than anybody else's. At least so far we seem to have the most fun, even though we are also second only to the British in denying that we
are the Big Bad.