Re: 2012 Presidential Election Part 4
???????????Sure. Same with Clinton, right?
Now, impeach Obama and get it over with Pio.
???????????Sure. Same with Clinton, right?
Now, impeach Obama and get it over with Pio.
What do you want? Impeachment? Go for it. Call your Senator McCain and tell him to impeach Obama. Especially if he gets reelected. Put your money where your mouth (typing hand) is and get er done. Otherwise stop posting your Conservative Propaganda in hopes that well all think the President is out to get us.
Sure you did. Show me in the post that I'm mentioning.
And you'll vote Republican. Do all the posturing on here that you want, but when it comes down to it, no one believes you.
Just about everything you post is a parrot of Republican talking points, or at least right wing radio/TV talking points, which are usually the same thing.
So you don't have to go back 3 pages...
"Were "guards told to stand down" or was a CIA field office told not to send aid? Are the CIA guys the guards? Are they located at the building that was attacked? Do you guys even bother to make this stuff plausible?
So, you're drawing the conclusion that the CIA is actually saying that they didn't give the order to stand down, but someone else did? Meaning the President? From what I can find, that's a leap, a convenient leap.
I can just as easily look at the statement and conclude that no one was ever told to stand down. The field officers wouldn't have gotten a call directly from the White House, would they? Wouldn't the White House call the CIA and tell a superior what to do and then the order would have travelled down the chain? For the field office to stand down, they would have gotten an order from their superior - who would have been in the CIA.
Maybe I just don't understand how these conspiracies work... "
You and grandpa OP got nothing to say to that, do you?
Nobody's suggesting a conspiracy. What we're talking about is good old fashioned libstain limpdickitis coupled with Nixonian political expediency. Sending some help to those poor bast*rds might have given the lie to the campaign theme of AQ "being on the run." So they put re-election ahead of those lives. And then they lied through their teeth, for weeks, in numerous venues, about that alleged video.
Obama DENIED. Diplomats DIED Then he LIED
If we can't agree on anything, can we at least admit that we're all losing this election regardless of outcome? I mean, you've got one guy who's entire re-election campaign has been a year-long shrug with his eyebrows raised saying "it's not that bad", and the other guy is threatening to increase spending (by a lot) and cut taxes as a solution to our federal deficit (the key to less debt is to spend more and earn less, right? It's the kind of logic that inevitably leads to "if you're having trouble affording to go to college, try borrowing money from your parents"). And they're bolstered by America's drunken idiot uncle and an objectivist.
...we'll turn into a Mormon theocracy.
And when JFK got elected the hot line was opened to the Vatican.Epic fail! If Obama gets reelected, minorities will continue to gain equal rights, a woman's right to choose will be protected, the USA will join the civilized world with free health care, and our economy will continue to grow. If RMoney gets elected, we'll have the economy run into the ground by the worst crony-capitalist since Bush and we'll turn into a Mormon theocracy.
I'm sure the liberals and Evangelical thumpers in Congress will get right on that.![]()
Only one group can repeal Roe and that's SCOTUS. If they do, it returns to the states to legislate how much and how often.If RMoney gets elected, how many minutes do you think it will take for the Evangelical thumpers to repeal Roe v. Wade?
And you're leaping (plunging) to all of these conclusions based on what, Kristol's article? The CIA's statement? Drudge? Coz gosh darn, you really, REALLY want it to be true?
I like the one better where Obama let them die because there were illegal arms deals going on and they knew too much. Gotta tie up loose ends ya know!
Wasn't Patriot Games the movie where they were watching the infrared satellite imagery as the targets were being killed in real time? I can see Obama and Biden watching something like that and then retiring to the lounge for a cognac.
If RMoney gets elected, how many minutes do you think it will take for the Evangelical thumpers to repeal Roe v. Wade?
Only one group can repeal Roe and that's SCOTUS. If they do, it returns to the states to legislate how much and how often.
At least I can vote for the legislature.
Denial is definitely more than a river in Egypt. Panetta is lying. Petraeus is lying. All those folks who testified were lying. The only truth teller is His Liarness. If there wasn't real time video of the "spontaneous attack" on the consulate available then why not send that twerp Carney out there to deny it? If there was no Predator on station, then simply tell us. Also, deny the reports of e-mails reporting on AQ claims. Ditto for reports of calls from Benghazi, begging for help. Deny also the reasons for the sacking of the C-in-C of Africom. You had the chairman of the Joint Chiefs calling a private citizen, to pressure him into "acting right" when it came to insulting Islam. Yet this same chief was strangely paralyzed when it came to an Islamist mob murdering four Americans.
The consensus after Pearl Harbor was that we had sufficient information to conclude that some sort of attack was imminent, but didn't have it all in one place so we could properly analyze it and draw the right conclusion. 70 years later, despite all of our technical advances, His Liarness wants us to believe that once again, inspite all of the intelligence reportedly in hand (including live, real time video) we just weren't able to put it all together and act. It's not like AQ (or any enemy of America) is going to send us a Mailgram announcing its intentions to attack us.
Like the private detective says in "Psycho,": "If it doesn't jell, it isn't aspic. And this ain't jellin'."
However, none of this explains the serial lying about the video. Does it?
But I think your overall point is correct, that interfering with Women's health care rights is on the agenda for at least part of the Republican party.
Like those women who weren't legitimately raped, but just had a little surprise sex.You mean, the party that hears the outrage from people that are offended morally, or fiscally, wanting and using taxpayer dollars to fund their poor choices in life?
You mean, the party that hears the outrage from people that are offended morally, or fiscally, wanting and using taxpayer dollars to fund their poor choices in life?