So, how do you know who got their @ ss kicked? The guy who's people say 1) that was part of the plan to be low key, and 2) oh, this debate won't matter.
I don't know how much Romney was sweating up there, but by the end of the night he must have smelled nice and ripe. Line of the night was the response as to why we don't have as many ships as during WWI. Hilarious but important as he crushed a usual GOP talking point (try to find some example of military decline) and knocked it right out of the park.
What's the impact of this debate? Simply put, its not good for Romney. How not good only time will tell. However, if you watch any right leaning pundit, or for that matter any knuckledragger out here, they'll all try to sell you the notion of Mittens Momentum, while declining to note where exactly this momentum is. There's a reason for that, which is that his polling has stalled, and we're only now getting #'s taken after the 2nd debate let alone this one. The idea being the Dem supporters stay home. I'm not sure I ever remember a race where a guy losing amongst registered voters ended up winning the election. While part of that may be because we have had relatively few close elections in recent years (2000 being the exception) I'd also think its because more and more voters out of the registered group become "likely" to vote as election day nears. That's not good for Mittens either.