Wind up workin' in a gas station
Re: 2012 Elections Pt II: Bachmann Turned Me Into a Newt! A Newt?
Romney can run ads showing Joe GE coming and spending the night in the Lincoln Bedroom, then becoming Obamas Job Czar, then showing GE Xray Division moved from Wisconsin to China.While I too am as surprised as The Mittster is about hearing about job outsourcing during the GOP primary, he ain't seen nothin' yet. To my knowledge nobody has yet run ads with the very people talking into the camera saying how they worked hard all their life but now their job's in China after Bain came in and shut them down. Those ads are devastating, I saw them in the '94 Senate race and its tough to counter. Certainly Romney was doing right by his investors. The problem is Obama will easily ask the question has Romney ever made a little bit less of a killing on a deal in order to keep jobs in the United States? My guess is the answer to that question is no, and how do you explain that to the people who got canned? Blame them for not working for Chinese wages?