Re: 2012 Elections Part I: All Politics is Yokel
My apologies. I forgot that you aren't used to that freaky high-tech wizardry known as the "Internet" to look up birthdates and marriages. And most people with a basic understanding of biology know that the human gestation period is nine months, but of course you probably think Evolution is just some crackpot theory and that we're all descended from some dude made out of clay.
More to the point, she IS trying to tell me how to my life. She's trying to tell American children how to live their lives by imposing her religion into "abstinence only" miseducation when she herself did not follow the example. Now, she may have learned a lesson and that is why she is on this crusade, but in that case she might want to say "I made a mistake and I hope you won't do the same." But she is pretending that she lives by her own advice when in fact she didn't. That makes her a hypocrite. Just like guys who preach about "family values" as they stand next to their third wife while confessing that they visited prostitutes or campaign against homosexuality and then get busted trying to pick up guys in an airport bathroom.
Geez, no way I can match your intellect, bub. You use the internet to keep track of these important facts and bolster your weak a*s libtard arguments. Especially looking up that stuff about her siblings and parents. Noooooo. That's not the slightest bit obsessive. More to the point, it still amazes me that presumably intelligent people (and I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here) are so willing and anxious to go to war against Palin. I'm not a social conservative, and I don't agree with that part of her agenda. But she's merely offering her opinion on these matters. But unlike you and the rest of the libtards, I'm not willing to suspend normal standards of discourse by, for instance, holding her responsible for the shootings in Tucson or getting some yucks referring to her handicapped child as "retarded." If her ideas are as bad as you suggest, they won't have any traction with the American people. Why does the expression of faith by some Christians upset you so?
The trouble with libtards is they think their prejudices are revealed truths. Nothing I've ever said here should give anyone with a room temperature IQ the idea that I don't believe in evolution. But dealing in stereotypes is so much easier than actually, you know, thinking. Just so we're clear, the "crime" in the situations you mentioned is saying one thing and doing another. There's no problem with actually doing it. So Mark Foley is to be condemned because he mouthed pro family platitudes and talked dirty to congressional pages. But Gerry Studds isn't because he didn't mouth pro family platitudes but actually boned an underage male page. Just as Barney Frank is not to be condemned because he never, ever, uttered pro family platitudes but had a gay escort service running out of his home while fixing tickets for his hustler friend. Nope, can't criticize these worthies because they aren't hypocrites.
Let's apply your "logic" to another situation. Before the outbreak of WWII, Hitler made a speech to the Reichstag in which he said if the Jews manage to plunge Europe into a war, it would mean the destruction of the Jewish race in Europe. Thus, since he wasn't being a "hypocrite" about his maniacal anti-Semitism, by your logic the Holocaust isn't as big a deal. Right? I mean, if he had posed as a friend of the Jews while trying to kill them all, that would be really bad. But he never did that. He was pretty clear about where jews stood all along, so that sort of ameliorates his guilt.
The relevant quote comes about :30 in:
Is it possible, even theoretically, that there are greater crimes than hypocricy?