HandyWell gee by that faulty logic all candidates are the same since they are all full of crap. Yes that means even the ones you agree with.
Obama the Candidate may have been full of crap, but at least he stood for something. (or said he did) Since the day he took office he lost all his balls and went full on Democrat not wanting to upset the masses. he has bowed to his own party leadership and basically ceded the argument to left on most major issues. He is now a complete wimp who is only now coming out for gay marriage because his VP did and forced the issue. He is a nothing.
You're being sillily technical.
You're being sillily technical. Obama is clearly a pro-gay President and I respect that at least he's now come out today and been more honest about his actual view on things (to respond to Priceless). I get the sense that you don't want to know what a major politician, like the President, thinks about things. While some may like that politicians dodge issues, I'm not in that camp.
Here is a bigger piece of news that won't get as much reaction from the public - how about the impending euro crisis which could set off another financial (worldwide) debacle that could possibly rival 2008. Ask yourselves this: what is the estimated worldwide derivatives ( in trillions) believed to be held by the banks? How much exposure do our major institutions have? Has anything changed in these practices since 2008?
The whole gay marriage thing doesn't bother me one way or another, but the fact NO ONE is paying attention ( or pretending) to stuff that matters to all of us is perplexing at best. But sure, now we can chase a red herring ( gay marriage) and feel good about how divided we are on issues that really don't matter...
Edit: Realized this post comes off more as a soap box than anything relating to Obama/ elections. However, I would like to point out that it has been disappointing to see the president and candidates ( sans ron paul) completely gloss over issues that will affect the entire middle class. The simple fact that all of these guys miss the point gives me little hope whoever gets in next term...
Probably because 75% of voters couldn't tell you what a derivative is, what the Euro is and therefore the candidates can ignore it while campaigning.
Good point; I forget candidates pander to the masses.
On another note, Obama made a smart move backing the gay marriage stand. When you come out and take a side, you polarize your audience and gain the backing of the ones you want. I don't think obama was trying to make the demographic who was against gay marriage vote for him, so this move helped reach out to the audience he wanted. A good number of folks I know are in Obama's camp right now.
Question--Is the new White House "War on Marriage" going to be paid for or put on the credit card like Iraq and Afghanistan?
How about the War on Religion and the War on Christmas? Or the soon-to-be-announced War on Guns?
While this may not be generally analogous to Congress at large, it may illustrate the problem. During my time in Houston, Barbara Jordan represented a North Houston district. She was replaced by Mickey Leland, who lost his life on a relief mission to Africa. Mickey was replaced by Craig Washington, who, in his first media appearance as a congressman-elect, thanked the people of Houston for sending him to Washington "for 20 years." Eventually, Washington was replaced by Sheila Jackson Lee, widely regarded as the most imperious member, whose famous speech touting how well North and South Vietnam are getting along these days is a You Tube classic.
Devolution anyone?
True. The election could simply hinge on the timing of the next big crisis. If it happens to hit before the election, Obama is in trouble. If it happens to hit after the election, Obama is in much better shape to get reelected. It's really hard to believe how unaware the masses are of the mess Europe is in and all, but it's scarily true.Probably because 75% of voters couldn't tell you what a derivative is, what the Euro is and therefore the candidates can ignore it while campaigning.
WOT!!!Oh yes. And I wonder if it's tied to the elimination of the draft. From the Civil War to WWI to WWII most of this country's men served their nation in uniform for some period of time in each generation. Most of them seemed to view Washington as just another way to serve their country and for the most part, didn't go and act like spoiled children. And I think those men shamed the rest of the people in Washington to behave somewhat as well.
Oh yes. And I wonder if it's tied to the elimination of the draft. From the Civil War to WWI to WWII most of this country's men served their nation in uniform for some period of time in each generation. Most of them seemed to view Washington as just another way to serve their country and for the most part, didn't go and act like spoiled children. And I think those men shamed the rest of the people in Washington to behave somewhat as well.
Even now when you get Iraq war vets like Kreisel in Minnesota into office, they're often by far the most upstanding members of their legislatures and for the most part, they speak common sense and even if you disagree with what they're saying, you can respect them for it. Of course, the atmosphere blows so much that he's bailing on public office after one term, which is something I can hardly blame him for.
(This whole theory is mainly because I followed part of that stadium debate and he pretty much owned it)
Sec. 6. Marriage.
Marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this State. This section does not prohibit a private party from entering into contracts with another private party; nor does this section prohibit courts from adjudicating the rights of private parties pursuant to such contracts.
Many people either have had abortions, have family or relatives that have had abortions, or know people that have had abortions, and a lot of folks who are involved in abortions in one way or another have issues they deal with at some point later in life, though these are often buried for awhile. That's why, like where my wife and I volunteer, they have post-abortion support groups to help people work through the psychological and/or physical issues resulting from an abortion.
Oh, and of course, there's a broad social interest in having a society that values life. Unlike gay marriage where our society is liberalizing pretty quickly, this issue is moving toward social conservatives as medical technology more and more demonstrates how early in a baby's formation in the mother's womb various bodily functions and activities begin occurring. Surveys have shown that young people are more strongly opposed to abortion in aggregate than the generation(s) older than them. Hard to argue with an ultrasound that shows a baby wriggling around in the womb and then you hear the heartbeat, see the fingers and toes, etc.
This. My kid has friends who can barely name a few European countries never mind be aware of the financial strife. Lil les is more knowledgeable than most of the adults in our neighborhood. Blame NPR- that socialist radio station that has international news on to polute his mind.True. The election could simply hinge on the timing of the next big crisis. If it happens to hit before the election, Obama is in trouble. If it happens to hit after the election, Obama is in much better shape to get reelected. It's really hard to believe how unaware the masses are of the mess Europe is in and all, but it's scarily true.
This. My kid has friends who can barely name a few European countries never mind be aware of the financial strife. Lil les is more knowledgeable than most of the adults in our neighborhood. Blame NPR- that socialist radio station that has international news on to polute his mind.
LesThat is downright clever until someone freaks out because corps can't be same sex to prevent the possibility...
Hopefully a very large one.Les
My son, who graduated from one of the Commonwealth's better universities with degrees in accounting and economics, told me that is a common practice in Massachusetts. On the Commonwealth side, Bob and Mike are married, but can't be for federal purposes. So they form a corporation to get the federal bennies that only accrue to a hetero couple.
My reading of the NC Amendment seems to imply that it would also apply to polygamous or line "marriages" as well. I wonder how big a truck you can drive through that loophole??