Re: 2012 Elections: Corndogs for everyone!
That said.... the problem lies in purposely misrepresenting the news, such as Fox News who went to court to justify purposely lying and presenting it as news. That's right, Fox News went to court for their "free speech" to lie. Here's how Fox reported that after a higher court who said the FCC rules were just guidelines and didn't matter. (Remember this the next to Janet Jackson flashing a boob at the super bowl gets brought up.)
And this is not just a few examples Old Poe can pick up off of wikipedia, it can be counted on errors and misrepresentations per hour. Simple things, like changing poll results to fit their political bent.
The Daily Show did a nice job of bringing up so many lies that it nearly filled the entire screen to list them all. Here's a list. And that's just to start.
Do you happen to remember this?
I'll bring up this little chestnut where one of their favorite female faces tries to say the gov't is lying and radiation is good for you. She was on O'Reilly to talk about this. He thought the pun was "very very good".
Here's part 1 of 2 for videos showing why she's a liar. (sorry he's slow with videos)
It's all fun and games until the monday night football guy gets pulled for equating the president with Hitler. He should have followed Bill's advice and shut up.
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But yea, it's all about being a free country.
Well nothing is inherently wrong with news outlets that lean towards a particular political spectrum.what's the problem with having different outlets to express the right-middle-left? the consumer decides who is successful. it is a free country.
That said.... the problem lies in purposely misrepresenting the news, such as Fox News who went to court to justify purposely lying and presenting it as news. That's right, Fox News went to court for their "free speech" to lie. Here's how Fox reported that after a higher court who said the FCC rules were just guidelines and didn't matter. (Remember this the next to Janet Jackson flashing a boob at the super bowl gets brought up.)
And this is not just a few examples Old Poe can pick up off of wikipedia, it can be counted on errors and misrepresentations per hour. Simple things, like changing poll results to fit their political bent.
The Daily Show did a nice job of bringing up so many lies that it nearly filled the entire screen to list them all. Here's a list. And that's just to start.
Do you happen to remember this?
I'll bring up this little chestnut where one of their favorite female faces tries to say the gov't is lying and radiation is good for you. She was on O'Reilly to talk about this. He thought the pun was "very very good".
Here's part 1 of 2 for videos showing why she's a liar. (sorry he's slow with videos)
It's all fun and games until the monday night football guy gets pulled for equating the president with Hitler. He should have followed Bill's advice and shut up.
<iframe width="480" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
But yea, it's all about being a free country.