Re: 2012 Elections: Corndogs for everyone!
Fox news must be crack or meth in your world. Its unreal how afraid you are of them. You've had every news station besides them lobbying for the leftys, the rightys get one outlet and somehow they are going to crash the known free world. I don't see it and I don;'t get it but then I never watch that drivel
How far back do we have to go to establish MSM bias? Walter Duranty of the NYT? Who lied to his readers about the terror famine in Ukraine that took more lives than the holocaust? Denied it was occurring. Presumably because that's what Stalin wanted.
The NYT with its breathless "story" about an affair by John McCain.
The WaPo's "story" about a rock in west Texas that "proves" Rick Perry is a racist. Why not photograph this "proof" so we can all have a look at it and make up our own minds?
NBC "investigating" the alleged propensity of GMC side saddle gas tanks on their pickups to explode in accidents discovered the tanks, in fact, weren't prone to blowing up. So they did the only honorable thing: they rigged the tanks with explosives. THEN they blew up.
In its coverage of Felix Bloch (State Department official, suspected of espionage, but never tried) ABC showed grainy surveillance-type videotape of a figure passing what appeared to be a briefcase to another man. They "forgot" to mention the tape was entirely staged, by them, to "enhance" their story.
Bloch almost certainly was a traitor, but ABC has an absolute duty to explain which video is real and which is phony.
CBS (oh, my, so many examples) doctoring a speech by General Westmoreland to make it appear as though he was saying something he wasn't.
Dan Rather producing forged documents at the last minute to torpedo George W. Bush (his producer helpfully advised the Kerry campaign about the segment). And when his cheap fraud was almost instantly discovered, insulted the intelligence of the American people by proclaiming it didn't matter if the documents were forged.
CBS reporter Daniel Schorr suggesting Senator Goldwater was going to visit "Hitler's old stomping ground at Berchtesgaden (sp)." And implied Goldwater was seeking some sort of political relationship with German right wingers (and we know who they are, don't we?).
CBS showing film of a baby "who died of malnutrition" on a series about hunger in America. The baby was the child of a Latino physician from San Antonio, and had most assuredly not died of malnutrition.
I realize I'm wasting my time here. I very rarely watch Fox (only in "wall to wall" Big News coverage). And even though Fox's critics are obsessed, there's no question Fox approaches things from the right. Although Fox's critics steadfastly refuse to differentiate between news coverage and the antics of someone like that clown Bill O'Reilly. Even so, Fox news does look for the convervative angle.
Why then, is it so difficult for libs to admit that most of the rest of the MSM do the same thing, from the left? The kind of slanting I've mentioned goes on in the MSM every day. Yet otherwise intelligent people can't see the elephant in the living room.
Let me give you a tiny example. When I was communications director for a gubernatorial campaign in Nebraska, the Lincoln paper did profile pieces on the candidates, which featured quick hit boxes at the top of the ariticles: among the items referenced was "religion."That got us to wondering. We checked, and in the prior four or five election cycles, the paper had not included religion in the quick hit boxes. But our guy was a JEW. And Mike Johannes, then the mayor of Lincoln, was an evangelical.* I still haven't resolved whether that was a coincidence or not.
*I don't believe for a minute that Johannes had anything to do with this. Mike's an honorable guy.