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Re: 2010 Baseball Hall of Fame Class
Big fan of the GRIT+.
It's all about VORP, OPS+, TRON, and GRIT.![]()
Big fan of the GRIT+.
It's all about VORP, OPS+, TRON, and GRIT.![]()
Dont give me the "it was illegal" BS because baseball turned blind eyes to all sorts of illegal stuff by lots of people who are in the Hall right now. Andro was not banned specifically by the MLB so they don't have a leg to stand on.
They reaped what they sowed with this whole mess...
Haha ignorant baseball fans are hilarious
Really close to my point. Unless it was specifically against the rules of baseball at that time, one cannot take away from that player due to that. Now, one can say that if a player was busted breaking the rules later on he shouldn't be eligible, that's fine with me, and I'd agree (see: Pete Rose).
Pete Rose is another discussion, maybe for later today.
As for the steriods, I'd like to see a few of these guys end up in Cooperstown, just as a reminder of what really went on during this time period. MLB knew about the 'roids, and did nothing to try to stop it until everyone raised holy hell about it. Now baseball's got to wear it. Put Bonds in. Same with Clemens and Palmeiro, and if the numbers suit you, Sosa as well.
Clemens you let in because there's no actual evidence, be it a failed test or paper trail, to implicate him. I don't want to conduct a witch hunt here. The people who are excluded are those who have been proven to be cheaters, not those who are only suspected of doing so. Unfortunately, that means some who got away with it will get in, but I'm adament that the Sosa's of the world stay out. It does a great disservice to a guy like Griffey Jr who from what we can tell hasn't cheated. Take the juicers of his era out (McGwire, Sosa, Bonds, Manny, etc) and he stands alone as the only 600 HR hitter of his time and one of the 10 greatest players in baseball history. Add the juicers back in and he's one of a half dozen guys putting up big #'s during his career.
Have to disagree here. With the ruling coming down in '91, and Sosa, Bonds, and Palmeiro known cheaters, they're banned. Bonds is a tough one because you can make a good argument he would have made the Hall without roids, but there should be some consequences to cheating.
McGwire is banned not for andro or whatever he took that was legal at the time, but for the illegal stuff he took and won't address now.
Clemens you let in because there's no actual evidence, be it a failed test or paper trail, to implicate him. I don't want to conduct a witch hunt here. The people who are excluded are those who have been proven to be cheaters, not those who are only suspected of doing so. Unfortunately, that means some who got away with it will get in, but I'm adament that the Sosa's of the world stay out. It does a great disservice to a guy like Griffey Jr who from what we can tell hasn't cheated. Take the juicers of his era out (McGwire, Sosa, Bonds, Manny, etc) and he stands alone as the only 600 HR hitter of his time and one of the 10 greatest players in baseball history. Add the juicers back in and he's one of a half dozen guys putting up big #'s during his career.
What ruling are you referring to from 1991? That steroids were banned? That doesn't mean the players are ineligible for the Hall - I believe they have to be SPECIFICALLY on the "banned from baseball" list. Considering all those guys were allowed to play, they're not banned from anything.
And how often does one have to use steroids to be considered a cheater? Is A-Rod a cheater? Should they be more lenient and say if you get caught more than once, you're banned? I don't remember Sosa officially getting caught (but it was very easy to see the change in his body type, because he was so skinny before), but I really don't think he has to worry about the Hall anyway.
I don't think, if you're going to make exceptions, that they should be made based on talent.
I'd be for incorporating the ban into the current policy (it's 10 games/50 games/season, right?). So, 3rd time? Season suspension and Hall ineligible. I would think that's fair.
Remember, two different entities. The Hall of Fame does not fall under the jurisdiction of Major League Baseball. The BBWAA controls the HOF. The BBWAA could tell MLB to go get screwed tomorrow if they wanted to. Of course, this is the same group of knuckleheads who would likely vote Joe Jackson and the rest of the Black Sox into the Hall, even though they THREW A ****ING WORLD SERIES, and deny Barry Bonds, even though he was never so much as suspended. Even though they swallowed their keyboards until the middle of 1998 and a certain record was about to be broken....
The Hall of Fame did vote to exclude banned players, though. But yeah, they could change their minds if they wanted to, and let those guys in without MLB approval. So with Brent's idea, they'd just have to call it "banned from baseball" instead of "HOF ineligible" and they could do it - but it doesn't guarantee they will never be in the Hall.
Maybe the answer is to put test results on Hall of Fame plaques, if there's factual evidence.
interesting - list of <a href="">banned people</a> from wiki - includes people who were reinstated.
I'm confused by what you mean by "without steroids" here. Do you mean that his numbers before people generally believe he started using, if extrapolated out over a full career, would not be Hall-worthy? Or that his numbers, as they are, are not Hall-worthy even if the steroid issue were to be disregarded?
What ruling are you referring to from 1991? That steroids were banned? That doesn't mean the players are ineligible for the Hall - I believe they have to be SPECIFICALLY on the "banned from baseball" list. Considering all those guys were allowed to play, they're not banned from anything.
And how often does one have to use steroids to be considered a cheater? Is A-Rod a cheater? Should they be more lenient and say if you get caught more than once, you're banned? I don't remember Sosa officially getting caught (but it was very easy to see the change in his body type, because he was so skinny before), but I really don't think he has to worry about the Hall anyway.
I don't think, if you're going to make exceptions, that they should be made based on talent. Either all the known cheaters get put on the ineligible list (and the definition of "known cheater" is certainly debatable), or none of them do. Do positive tests without suspensions count? Or do you have to serve a suspension? If so, then why not include anything a player gets suspended for? It's a slippery slope.
edit - Hammer, if your point is Selig and his cronies are a bunch of nutless F ups, you'll get no argument from me. Seems the HoF has to do the work he was too wimpy to do himself during his reign of incompetence.
Good points, and let me clarify one thing. When I say "banned" I didn't mean on the official list that Rose and Jackson are on. I'm all for them being on that list, but what I'm more referring to is them not being elected to the Hall. Whether its an official ban or not is a secondary issue for me. Also, Commissioner Vincent declared steroids illegal in 1991. Therefore, anybody using after that is a cheater.
Sosa was on the list of players who failed the test, so he's gone. However, this is the toughest thing for me to resolve. Sosa is an easy one because its doubtful he'd be under consideration without PED's inflating his stats. Same with McGwire & Palmeiro. What to do about Andy Pettite or A-Rod? I guess I would be more lenient on players who fessed up. So, if Pettite is telling the truth, and he goes out and wins 100 more games in his career, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. A-Rod I would wipe out the 3 years of steroid use, and then assess his career minus those years. This way you punish long term users, as the longer you did it, the more of your career that isn't part of the evaluation. Not a perfect system I'll admit...
To your last paragraph, I can live with known cheaters being ineligible if you want to eliminate any gray area. Yes, I put people on the list even if they didn't get suspended, because some people were outed after the fact via a paper trail (Bonds). They don't get away with it just because they beat the testing if you can prove they purchased the stuff. I think I answered your last question, but no - I wouldn't make everybody who gets suspended for charging the mound or throwing at a batter ineligible. That's ridiculous. The punishment is for cheating.