Hug someone you care about...
This is the failed "Oh noes! A smoking ban in restaurants is going to tank my small business!" argument.
I used to be a "$15 is too high" person, and would have agreed with Manchin on $11. .... Six years ago. Now, I'm all aboard the $15 train.
$15/hr is $31k *before* taxes. Knock off 30% for Soc Security, taxes, etc. and you're at $22k net.
And don't give me that automation bullsh** either. McDonalds (et. al.) were gonna be introducing kiosks, automation, self checkout no matter if they were paying $15/hr, $7.50hr, or $1.25/hr. The bulk of your costs on employees are their health insurance, employer taxes, training, reimbursables, etc. Paying them a few bucks more doesn't affect the budget that much. And if it did, then there was some fundamentals wrong with the setup.
Maybe we should couch it in the argument that if you pay people a better wage they can afford to buy guns! Make it a 2A argument!