Cry harder, nodak. Maybe you should look at how to make education more affordable
Cry harder, nodak. Maybe you should look at how to make education more affordable
Maybe if they chose to invest their oil money back in the day on stuff like this they wouldn't be in this position. But if my tax dollars can prevent someone the horror or having to spend a winter in Grand Forks then...
Thing I don’t get is if Nodak is supposed to be so bad why are the smartest, funniest, most inciteful and empathetic posters here all Nodaks?
Thing I don’t get is if Nodak is supposed to be so bad why are the smartest, funniest, most inciteful and empathetic posters here all Nodaks?
Btw, if you ***** us, do we not bleed?
"I never thought the leopards would eat my face," volume 65467, issue 56, pg. 78-80.
UND graduates mistakenly receive degrees from ‘North Dakota State University’
Unfortunately they later learned that this free upgrade will have to be rescinded. I wonder if Red Baron sponsored the events.
UND graduates mistakenly receive degrees from ‘North Dakota State University’
Unfortunately they later learned that this free upgrade will have to be rescinded. I wonder if Red Baron sponsored the events.