A lot happened here in one day. You miss too much when working. This country is in more trouble than ever with 47% morons and another 47% looking for handouts. We have an outgoing philanderer President that is without character being replaced by another philanderer without character.
To respond to some earlier statements: I have never been a Republican, used to be a Democrat but since they don't believe in the proven science of human life and castigate anyone who does they have lost me. So much for all their phony science talk. I am pro-life 100% which means opposing the death penalty, supporting the poor, against embryonic stem cell research, favor immigration amnesty for those who come to our borders oppressed but not open borders insanity, promote life through it's only natural way marriage between a man and a woman as well as opposed to abortion in any sense. I have always and still do find pro-choice Republicans worse than pro-choice(perhaps now all) Democrats. Liberals(those expressing pro-choice demands especially) have used very hateful rhetoric towards us and many choose to just stay quiet about it because who wants to be called names. There are many who feel this way and don't respond to polls because of it. It is hard to argue with someone who is 'always right' too. Their facts are just that, their facts and are not always correct but they never allow for other facts to be heard. They always suppress them.A
As for masks, the only effective mask with an active Covid person in the area is a properly fitted N95. You are fooling yourself otherwise. Getting fitted for one takes perhaps a half hour or so. That's how long my wife had to be properly fitted with one. There are those who think asymptomatic people are high risk and those who think they are low risk for passing it on. I tend to believe they are low risk and are not responsible for the outbreaks whereas actively sick people are the real dangers. I have seen this from about a year of experience not from some so called experts that may or may not have an agenda.
I will not feel the need to respond on this topic anymore. You have your opinions and I have mine.