Already insane, UAA making it worse
And their CBA has tons of limitations on new players being called in:But Jim is right. The coach's ability to pick a team is severely hampered by the CBA and the budget, because many players get paid their salary whether they make the team or not. Which is why the USWNT "ages" out every so many years and doesn't perform as well. Look at Abby Wambach's final year. She never should have been on that team. Another reason why this whole equal pay thing with soccer is complete BS filled with numerous lies from the players.
There’s a limit on how many non-contract players can be called into a camp.
There’s a limit on how many camps a non-contract player can be in before they have to be offered a contract.
The only way for a player to be offered a contract is if another player loses theirs.
A contract player can only be taken off contract with cause and they have to be given severance pay.
Kep, I’ve said it a thousand times: Do some research before you spout off.