Proud supporter of Osmirwich hockey
Re: World Soccer XVI: The Sadness
I'm all for a massive reform of the system and overhauling how the games are officiated.
The diving, faking, "gamesmanship" needs to be addressed because it's becoming a black eye for the sport.
Take the United States for example, the biggest un-tapped soccer media market in the world by far.
The average fan that tunes in for soccer only because its the World Cup and only because the U.S. is playing WILL NOT stand for that crap and will ***** and moan about it and say "that's why I don't watch soccer" etc.
I agree that if you require a stretcher to be taken off the pitch, you should be done.
I'm all for adding an off-field official that purely watches for dives etc and can either hand out cards during the match or after the match whatever.
But, like I said until this overhaul happens, You can't fault the players for trying to act and pull this crap. If they are allowed to do it, they are going to push the bounds as far as possible to gain an advantage in a sport where its extremely hard to score.
Don't hate the player. Hate the game.
True, but I can't recall a single time (although, unlike some people on this board, I'll admit I am biased) the US has pulled what ghana consistently does.
I hope fifa addresses this. If you get stretchered off, you're DONE. It means you can't continue. If the refs weren't such a bunch of pusies they'd card the hell out of these teams for pulling this crap. I know I would have.
Edit: THe refs need to stop being afraid of carding someone who MAY be legitimately injured. If they're going to be legitimately stretchered off, they aren't going to play the next few games anyways.
I'm all for a massive reform of the system and overhauling how the games are officiated.
The diving, faking, "gamesmanship" needs to be addressed because it's becoming a black eye for the sport.
Take the United States for example, the biggest un-tapped soccer media market in the world by far.
The average fan that tunes in for soccer only because its the World Cup and only because the U.S. is playing WILL NOT stand for that crap and will ***** and moan about it and say "that's why I don't watch soccer" etc.
I agree that if you require a stretcher to be taken off the pitch, you should be done.
I'm all for adding an off-field official that purely watches for dives etc and can either hand out cards during the match or after the match whatever.
But, like I said until this overhaul happens, You can't fault the players for trying to act and pull this crap. If they are allowed to do it, they are going to push the bounds as far as possible to gain an advantage in a sport where its extremely hard to score.
Don't hate the player. Hate the game.