Will River Falls be #1 on monday?
Fan Opinion Poll February 11, 2010
Rank | Team | (1st Votes) Pts | Previous Rank
1. RIT (8) 89 1
2. River Falls (1) 81 2
3. Plattsburgh 65 3
4. Middlebury 62 5
5. Norwich 59 4
6. Amherst 37 6
7. Elmira 33 7
8. Gustavus 25 9
9. Trinity 22 8
10. Bowdoin 12 NR
Eau Claire 4, Superior 3, St. Norbert 1
East Top 5
Rank | Team
1. RIT
2. Plattsburgh
3. Middlebury
4. Norwich
5. Amherst
West Top 5
Rank | Team
1. River Falls
2. Gustavus
3. Eau Claire
4. Superior
5. St. Norbert
Hmmm...tough call. By rights, yes. Oswego deserves kudos for a great performance and, apparently, great goaltending. But...Oswego is not even particularly close to being ranked and, I think, is close to a 500 team. A loss such as that SHOULD affect a team's ranking. But we'll see. Hard not to drop RIT to #2 with UWRF still undefeated, but they are both, quite obviously, the class acts of their regions.