Oh, fantastic! I have to admit I have the best spouse on the planet. She recorded the game on her tablet for me by putting in front of the tv and recording it. It's an old tablet so it could only record videos like 40 minutes long, and then it was full so she used her phone to finish it up. It appears much of the 3rd period did not get recorded and a bit of the 2nd, but I watched Watts she had. I look forward to watching/rewatching the last 2 periods the game on the link. So awesome.
The first period was a disaster for UW other than the score. To me it looked like they were playing scared. No poise with the puck on the breakout to connect a few passes together. Very disturbing. My wife said they played better in the 2nd, so I look forward to seeing that in it's entirety.
They did score a ppg and they did win more faceoffs, which was crucial.
I'll try to watch Watts I missed tonight so I have a complete picture of how they played. I don't have any warm fuzzies though about their chances to win it all though. The die has been cast.