Re: WISCONSIN Hockey Vol. XXIV - Craziest Season Of All Time
I don't understand. The Kohl Center is a beautiful place, even if it's not a pure hockey rink, so I can see some fans being a little cool to the loss of amenities. But for a one weekind only, play off type game--how can that happen? Especially when the team has pulled itself up from near irrelevance to a conference contender in the hunt for a playoff berth? Having watched most of my college hockey in either Madison or Grand Forks, I've always felt privileged to see two of the best venues in college hockey. Sioux fans tend to be more intense in my view, but Badger fans usually filled an awfully big building and they know how to have fun with their hockey like few other fanbases. Unlike what rodent fans often say on this site, I think Badger fans know their hockey too. I know there has been a lot of talk here about the shrinking interest from the losing over the last several years, but I still don't understand this could happen on this weekend. Were admin's FUs that bad on this thing?
The players win the games, but those players repeatedly say the crowd carries them at times. I'm not a Badger hockey fan, but it ****es me off too just because of what a great hockey tradition you all have, and this just should not be happening.
I don't understand either. I mean, the Badgers did a terrible job marketing this. It was as if they didn't notice that they might need to mention something to the fans until it was just a week away, and then they scrambled to build enthusiasm. Last night was my first time at the Dane County Coliseum / Alliant Energy Center. Ummmm....It's not that bad, at least from a fan's perspective. (I have no idea what condition the locker rooms are in.) The noise made during Phil's count was great, and that was with a half empty building! I did a lot of looking up at that circular ceiling and around at the seats and imagined it back in the "good ole days." Wow. Those seats are super-cushy, and
not what I expected based on what I heard. The downside is that they don't make any of noise when you kick them, like the wonderful hollow plastic Kohl Center chairs.
Honestly, it comes down to mentality. I don't know what it's like to live in Madison. I only know what it's like to live as an undergrad on campus. Every so often I pick up the sports section of the Wisconsin State Journal sitting in College Library, just to see what the locals are getting for their sports news. It's nice to see hockey articles mixed in with the rest. It's nice to see the WCHA standings with the other college sports stuff. Coverage and winning are probably the two biggest factors in overall enthusiasm for a sports team. On campus? It's football-only. At hockey games, I talk to many strangers in the student section discussing PairWise rankings and the WCHA race, but that's because we're people who keep up with it actively, by logging on to each weekend and checking The overall mentality on campus with regards to spectator sports revolves around the football team. And this is an athletic department that prides itself on 2 big things (besides "winning," obviously) - operating in the black financially and having great fan enthusiasm for
many sports. On campus, the athletic department pretty much decides how much exposure each sports team gets. I'm not expecting the average student to keep track of the team even a fraction of how much I do, but the overall buzz of the team could be much greater.
Speaking of student fans, I was pleasantly surprised at the turnout. Those many emails sent over the past week did some good. I feel like we did better than the "old people," despite the drastic difference between a nice walk to the Kohl Center and commuting to the Coliseum. It boggles my mind why more people wouldn't want to go to such a fun event at such a not-that-bad-despite-its-reputation venue.
The building was terribly empty, and I can hardly blame other fans- as I said before, we were on the fence because I was SO ANGRY that not only did they surrender their usual venue to the ****ed WIAA, but then they tried to blow smoke up our asses telling us the throwback series was an awesome fun thing and not a give-in-to-the-WIAA-threatening-to-leave-Madison thing. Really, it was their play in Omaha that sealed it- it was just last weekend we decided to go to at least the Friday game. And we're fairly dedicated season ticket holders who also make the occasional roadtrip.
For me, I was on the fence because of the REASON they were playing at the coliseum. A high school tournament is not a good excuse to me. I KNOW it's all about $$ and the city had a lot to lose if the WIAA pulled all the high school tourneys, so there was a lot of pressure to cut a KC scheduling deal, but letting them take a college team's on campus venue and forcing the college team off campus is still a bunch of crap. That severely limited the amount of $$ I was willing to give them for the privilege of entering the venue under those circumstance.
I agree with your stance on caving to the WIAA. I understand that the state tournament was held way in advance and that there's a lot to gain by hosting those tournaments, but they do that (almost) every year without this problem. But this is a campus venue. This is a venue built for the University of Wisconsin's intercollegiate athletic teams. This is not just some public venue in Madison. That is why it's unacceptable, and a grade-A screw-up. (Not that they don't know that, but I wish they'd make a stronger PR effort with the fans.) Heck, they're losing a lot of money by playing this series away from the Kohl Center.
As far as anger is concerned, I feel like that would be motivation to go. If we could have had full crowds at the Coliseum, it shows how we'll stand by our favorite team, and we'd rather be at the Badger Hockey game.
I hope
everything goes better tonight. Wisconsin, UNO, Denver, and Minnesota State are all going to settle into slots 4, 5, 6, and 7. A tie tonight clinches home ice. A UNO tie or loss or a Denver loss would do the same. Oddly enough, and someone can correct me if I'm wrong, if UW is in a tie with Minnesota State, they lose the tiebreaker, but if it's a three-way tie with those two teams and UNO or Denver, Wisconsin wins the tiebreaker because of combined head-to-head records. (Where you get a +1, -1, or 0 for your head-to-head with each team.) Because Minnesota State and Wisconsin split, they go to goal differential, which Wisconsin loses.