Re: Wisconsin Hockey: Vol. XX - Growth Through Experience
Not to hi-jack this thread, or troll your season thread.
Crazy thing about it is Bob Johnson was cut from that Mariucci cloth, while Herb Brooks went 1 direction, Bob Johnson went the other. Now another from that same cloth -Bill Butters appears to be trying to reverse that a little (just going off the number of Sconny kids on the Badger roster).
I'm not sure after Bob Johnson, and 6 championships you can tell the fanbase, "hey remember those titles? well hold onto those memories, it's going to be 10-15 years or more while we build up local hockey"
that's a huge problem. if in fact that's what Butters and Eaves are trying to do
In order for Wisconsin to compete like Minnesota you'd need the Brookfield/Hartland/Whitefish Bay/Waukesha type schools competing at a high level (in other words southeast Wisconsin) and I can tell you hockey and high school hockey takes a back seat to mens/boys anything not named tennis in the media...
and w/parents apparently.
I know a guy who's son plays for Brookfield and here's the crux of what he's told me: they have a tough as hell time getting enough kids to form teams from age 5 all the way up. Brookfield doesn't even have 4 full lines of forwards and they're drawing from 2 schools (Central and East). I don't know how that gets rectified. But that's the type of problem that would need to be addressed in order to really build the sport as Hudson, Eau Claire, Northland Pines, Superior, Wausau can only produce a handful of D-1 players per year (if that).
Not to hi-jack this thread, or troll your season thread.
Crazy thing about it is Bob Johnson was cut from that Mariucci cloth, while Herb Brooks went 1 direction, Bob Johnson went the other. Now another from that same cloth -Bill Butters appears to be trying to reverse that a little (just going off the number of Sconny kids on the Badger roster).