Re: Wisconsin Hockey: Vol. XVIII - Belief in a Better Tomorrow
-Again, I'm going to have to repeat myself. Each team will play ONE weekday home game. ONE.
-I can guarantee even with all the BS that we'll still play UND through the WCHA scheduling agreement or some non-conference set up. In the current WCHA schedule we don't play them at home every year anyway.
-Shouldn't the most important conference games be played at the end of the season? Whats the point in playing the most important series the first weekend of the year? As it stands right now we already lead off next season with "lousy preseason non conference games (played during football season)" against Northern Michigan. So whats the difference if we play the RIT series the first week of December or the second week of the season? I honestly don't see the point in getting worked up because you have to watch Mercyhurst 3 weeks into the season instead of over Thanksgiving where it's scheduled now?
-I doubt the Minnesota series will be played on a Wednesday despite Oates nugget that close proximity games COULD be played on a Wednesday night. It's still a four hour bus ride from Madison to Minneapolis, I think they were referring to the hour jaunt from East Lancing to Ann Arbor.
-As for MNF I'm simply stating that it's going to be pretty sweet to get to watch an EXTRA college hockey game on TV every single week that we couldn't watch because everyone played the exact same day at the exact same time.
-I simply said, if you're going to drop your tickets over 1 Monday game, your a terrible fan. So if that's you, then yes I guess I did.
- Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday games suck. There will be more of all, all are less desirable, and all will have lower attendance than their Friday and Saturday counterparts.
- Really? A UW rep already has said this is between UND and the NCAA. UW doesn't look to be overly flexible on the issue, and probably prefers the easier schedule anyhow.
- I'm not worked up at all about the timing per se. However, a UND or Minnesota game during football season will still be a near sellout while a game against Alabama Huntsville will be far from it. Packing bad games during the worst time of year is a recipe for particularly bad attendance/ticket sales. Seeing four straight home series that suck will also add to the whole "Why am I even buying season tickets?" question that season ticketholders will ask themselves when they see the bill. It would be exacerbated the following year if the ticket office ever started selling partial (Big Ten) season ticket packages around Christmas.
- UW vs Minnesota is one of the 3 or 4 closest (proximity) matchups of the 15 intraconference possibilities. I find it hard to believe that it would be off the table if every week of the season needed one Wednesday night game.
- Monday TV -- as I mentioned earlier, since I don't reside in Madison, I will enjoy being able to watch more games. My selfish reasons have nothing to do with UW $.
- Doesn't apply to me, but I guess you didn't actually carefully read the initial post. Shocking. Besides, I categorically reject the notion that this is all about 1 Monday game. But keep oversimplifying the issue if you must.
Any one of these factors wouldn't move the dial much on season ticket renewals; dropping them all at one time on a community that isn't wildly happy with the BTHC to begin with + a bad economy + excess capacity could cause an unintended material reduction in season ticket renewals. And history has shown us that hockey games in Madison that are not part of the season ticket package aren't well attended. Also, there is a reason why college hockey isn't overly televised now -- I don't know what is going to magically cause Delany and company to be making "snow angels" in their piles of money unless Minnesota is able to drive a large $ transfer from FSN to BTN, or that the other regional fox sports networks were idiots to not televise a slew of money-printing sporting events available to them. I am skeptical of the entire "boatloads of money" premise, and if we're only talking about marginal bottom line improvements, I ask "Is it worth it?" to mess with the scheduling.