Blood Boiling with Rage and Hate
Re: Wisconsin Hockey: Vol. XVIII - Belief in a Better Tomorrow
Who knows, maybe the BTHC will be a huge success and I'll get to sit here and look like an even bigger idiot.
In spite of his success as a football coach, I've never been a fan of Alvarez as a person. How he has acted towards the hockey program since taking over as AD has only reinforced my poor opinion of him. But it is only my opinion and many badger fans strongly disagree with it.
It was a good discussion. Have a safe 4th of July weekend.
From what I have heard, it will be significant, and was exactly why some schools (including Wisconsin) were pushing so hard for the Big Ten Hockey Conference. I guess we'll see.
Enough advocating for the BTHC for me as it's making me sick. I don't doubt that you know more about Alverez and his commitment to the UW hockey programs than I do. I was just trying to interject another viewpoint.
Thanks for the discussion.
Who knows, maybe the BTHC will be a huge success and I'll get to sit here and look like an even bigger idiot.
In spite of his success as a football coach, I've never been a fan of Alvarez as a person. How he has acted towards the hockey program since taking over as AD has only reinforced my poor opinion of him. But it is only my opinion and many badger fans strongly disagree with it.
It was a good discussion. Have a safe 4th of July weekend.