Wisko McBadgerton
Teaching you how to Bucky.
is Cam Rowe still draft eligible?
Nope. To be eligible players must be 18 by 15 September or under 20 by 31 December of the year of the draft. Rowe is 19 and will turn 20 in June.
is Cam Rowe still draft eligible?
Has anybody ever seen a 5-minute major for Interference, like they called on Inamoto last night? I wouldn't have thought that a legit call.
Years ago at the Coliseum, the Band brought a big cardboard "Ref-O-Matic" to a Friday night game. Every penalty they would spin the dial to see what penalty would be called. It was hilarious. It was also absent the next night. I guess the Ref-O-Matic came up "Interference".
Me sitting down at 7 PM to watch Badger Hockey. Hmmmm, no TV so I'll try the radio. What the frick, Handle on the Law? I'll check my phone to look for a later start....."Badgers Sweep With 7-0 Win". ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? 4 PM START? Fuck Covid19 and fuck the BTHC. Where is the middle finger emoji?
Get over it. If you're a fan of the team you should know the schedule.
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Revised schedule against MSU - Friday 3 pm (BTN+ only) and Saturday 1:30 PM BTN. horrible revised times. this is the best BTN can do? bunch of clowns....
Revised schedule against MSU - Friday 3 pm (BTN+ only) and Saturday 1:30 PM BTN. horrible revised times. this is the best BTN can do? bunch of clowns....