Shirtless Guy
Old Dirty Basterd
Re: Welcome Back to the WCHA Northern Michigan
Green Bay has the best fit for arena size, considering its not used by a team that abandoned the WCHA. As for someone saying beer sales...I wonder what the policy is at Amsoil Arena and if somehow the WCHA did have their tournament there, if there could be beer sales. Minneapolis/St Paul would be the best because of the metropolitan area and the number of alums there. While Green Bay is not central to the lower-48 WCHA teams, it does seem to fit the size/neutral aspect of things. From your perspective, I'm sure you'd rather have it in Fargo, since that is neutral and the same size venue and about as central as Green Bay. I wouldn't be surprised if it bounced around between Fargo, Green Bay and any arena in between that would have them.I'm sorry, but I really fail to see how Green Bay is even close to "central" in the '13-'14 WCHA - even forgiving the remoteness that is UAA:,-91.82373&spn=8.323206,21.643066
Adding LSSU, Ferris and Western changes that, of course, but until any of those three things happens, I see discussion of Green Bay as nothing more than the Michigan schools trying to force their will on the future of the tourney.
Duluth makes the most sense (excluding UAA) geographically, and Minneapolis the most if you want UAA to be able to fly in at the last minute (which is tough anyway). Green Bay only makes sense if St. Norbert or UW Milwaukee or UW Green Bay is brought along, IMHO.