Rodent of Unusual Size
I disagree. The biggest idiot(s) are the TSA, gate and other airport personnel who reacted the way they did.
So let's assume it went down the way we're hearing. The two passengers show up. Someone makes a mistake in tagging or marking the bags, or whatever happened. Passenger feigns unhappiness over this error, joking about what happens if there is a bomb in his friend's bag (he could have just as easily said what happens if there is women's underwear in his friend's bag, a much more likely scenario). Airport/TSA employee (possibly embarrassed by their own mistake with the bag) then completely overreacts. Airport gets shut down. Guy gets arrested.
Let me tell you why explosives and other weapons make their way onto planes. It's not because more TSA/airport employees fail to act as this clown did. It's because too many of them have less common sense than a can of bean dip, or they're too busy looking for i-pads to rip off out of someone's bag.
They both got processed at the same time going to the same place... As far as I've seen they put on the big and small barcode stickers on the bags. So basically they've swapped names.
You'd have to be a total WCHA hockey referee to bungle that one to be honest.