Perhaps I'm "somebody" in this statement; I've definitely been called worse. My guess is that the wrestling tourney that you mention is the bigger hurdle. The press facilities are more about size than being good enough. There isn't a logical place for media accommodations to overflow beyond the press box (like suites and/or club level), which is at its upper bounds for a well-covered regular-season series. At least back in the day, there was always a way to work around issues. In 2008, the DECC in Duluth hosted both the WCHA Final Face-off and the Frozen Four, and its press box was miniscule. For the former, they set tables up in the middle of the seats, and that's where most of the media sat. For the FF, they had media at ice level on one end. Couldn't see much at the far end, but the Duluth fans made enough noise that you could tell who was winning. I'm sure that it could be made to work if the WCHA tourney was something that UW was determined to host. Heck, tOSU could likely host in their state-of-the-art facility if they threw their weight behind it. It didn't matter how nice the Ralph was when Sunday arrived in 2015 and UW and BSU were playing in a mostly-empty building.