We have a drop off nearly every season this time of year. My own personal opinion of this is as the season progresses other teams get better, while UVM seems to be stagnant through the season with very little improvement. It seems to me at least, Sneddon et al can recruit good players, they just don't make them better. The team doesn't develop chemistry and doesn't gel. Likely because they never have consistent lines. Unfortunately coach never seems to figure that out. How often did Gilligan switch up St Louis, Perrin, Ruid? He didn't, why because they worked good together, they anticipated each others positions and knew each others capabilities.
Sneddon would do well to learn the lesson that you put together solid lines and then keep them together.
I have seen this said about players before from fans of many teams, in particular in regards to seniors.
One of the issues in this era is good young players never reach senior year, they leave early. Players brought in at a later age by end of sophomore year are what they are, by and large they aren't going to have long illustrious pro careers
UVM is the 7th oldest team in NCAA. Counter that BU, BC, and ND are the 3 youngest and Providence 9th youngest. They have the highest ceiling to grow as season progresses so logically the reverse affects the older teams
Hockey East in general is young. UVM is 19 places ahead of the next oldest HEA team in national average. That team is UMass so do we need to say more