So I saw Nick Lowe and Elvis Costello tonight.
Lowe: A+
My god, what a great show. Lovely singer, good patter. He is so likeable and genuine even his songs that I don't really like he sells and makes me want to love them. And he is still just a colossus of talent and style.
Elvis: F
But that F comes with a caveat, it was the worst mixing board I have ever heard at a concert. It was almost impossible to understand anything Elvis sang or said. But still, I've seen him 3 times in 7 yeas now, and he is losing a step a year. It was depressing to hear him try to compensate for fading range and vocal flexibility by resorting to overamping and heavy guitar distortion. Dude, hang it up, there's no shame. You're 67, you made some of the best music in proto-post-punk, and you got a thirty-year hammock nap while banging your way through every alt-country singer not your wife. It's been a good life; Ross would be proud.