Egypt and the rest of the Mediterranean countries are all on fire, creating a snowball that is Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Iran 1979
Players: Egypt, Tunisia, Israel, Spain, Greece, Italy, England, Ireland, Russia, the Mediterranean, Franz Ferdinand
Advanced by: Glenn Beck (see video above)
Sample quote: "The entire Mediterranean is on fire. More than that, it's not just the surrounding countries of the Mediterranean; it also spreads up here — you have the U.K. and Ireland already with riots in the street… I think there is a chance that Tunisia is our Archduke Ferdinand moment… He was the guy assassinated in Sarajevo, June 1914. A month later, Austria and Hungary declared war against Serbia and the rest is called World War I. I believe a snowball is being formed, and it is starting to roll… You can at least prepare to not get caught in the snowball. I'm going to show you in a minute how this isn't Berlin. This is Iran, 1979."