Never ceases to amaze me the amount of flak Drew takes for pointing out potential adverse developments.
My own first reaction is that Barr has landed something better out there, needs to make room for it, and one or two of these kids weren't willing to play along and be patient. Maybe so ... and maybe not. But like a well-known regional sports talk show host likes to say ... we have to do a show every day ... the USCHO boards are the ultimate 24/7/365 on-line "talk show" for fans of college hockey ... so when news breaks, many folks want to discuss it NOW, and asking folks to just cool it 'til it all sorts out in a day/week/month/whatever later doesn't exactly make fodder for scintillating UMaine Hockey talk. I mean, that will be fine for some/many ... others will want to kick it around, and yes, if it does turn out that UMaine has lost its top two recruits for next season AND there is nothing coming back in return ... there will be lessons Barr should take from it.
Besides ... isn't it more fun to debate on here, if you have a few folks who challenge the prevailing narrative(s)??