Black Bear since D-2
Having driven around that region for a lot for years, I'd take the flight to Philly and drive up from there, as opposed to getting out of Newark, which is a parking lot half the time. The flight to either one might be pretty much the same price..?Newark airport is about the same distance from Allentown. Probably doesn’t change much as they’re both over an hour but gives people more options.
But, yeah, it has a lot to do with time of day, and volume, and the unpredictable accidents. (Once, we barely avoided a 6-hour delay to even get off the 80/ The Parkway/ 78 interchange at high noon.)
If Maine is there, we can can head south on the Northeast Extension, and avoid too much of any of it before we even reach the Reading area, arriving in Allentown in about 4 hours.
But, being woodchucks, we leave from Podunk, NY, and not along the I-95 corridor, so there ya go.
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