Well......HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!!
Ramona has been perusing these here pages and informed me that "I am missed". I can't help but be touched. Yesirree, like a good ol' fashioned case of VD, I just keep comin' back! Well, I suppose I should offer some hockey discussion.....some time away from my new rum operation in Jamaica is warranted.....uh....bad choice of words. More on that later.
Any one of you drunken woke nimrods could have seen what was going to happen last weekend!! A season sweep of ZOO-CONN???? C'mon!!!! Chiiiit.......if in fact SOOOUZA did sell his soul to the Devil, I'm sure that Lucifer himself said, "Whoa, whoa, whoa there little Mikey, baby steps, baby steps!"
Now.....about them stoned libturds from the Green Mtn. State......It's payback time for SOOOUZA and the boys to send Bernie's Bums back to BER-Lington with their tails between their legs for chrissakes!! I will tell ya this....if they lose to these dang "Can't-amounts", well you can forget the soul-selling theory. Oh SOOOUUZA....your fans turn their lonely eyes to you! HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!!
Oh, and Charlie.....for chrissakes....YOU KNOW WHO I AM!!! Yeah, I'm an old timer and a GROUCHY one at that!!! Been around these parts A LONG TIME. Glad that I provide you with some cheap entertainment, ya bad-cologne-wearin'-pontificatin' pile of road apples!!
PS - Ramona sends her love. HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!!