Fessenden was channeling his inner Billy Smith or Ron Hextall on that one. Agree 100% that the preceding incident was inexplicably ignored, and that's what likely spurred Fessenden to "do his thing". But in these days of video replay, you can't jeopardize yourself or your team with that and hope to get away with it. Still think that all things considered, it should have been matching minors, but when you are a losing program, you're never going to get that kind of respect. I didn't see what MS7's reaction was, but I can tellya, only Jack Parker could lose his **** on a par with Dick Umile to shame the refs into cutting things a little more closely to even-up on something like that.
Another "officiating" issue that annoyed the crap outta me ... the first BU goal couldn't have been any clearer to have been in and out of the net, yet the whole crew misses it, and it takes 3+ minutes to go back and confirm it??? Why do we not have goal judges any more? Was the cost of the exercise SO onerous that in this world of endless bureaucracy, we decide to draw the line on excess overhead at a $50-per-night goal judge??
Finally ... the winning BU goal gets scored because UNH's Muselik is crouched down so low at the near side post that he opens himself up to have the back of his head/shoulders exposed to a "bank shot" from at or behind the red line. I hate the frickin' technique SO much, I can't even begin to tolerate it. I mean, kudos to the BU kid for recognizing the opportunity, and cynically but opportunistically hitting the target square on. But it's a goal you would never have seen in hockey until the last decade or so with the teaching of the position from the "on the knees" default. It's unathletic, it's ugly, and you need to raise the crossbar another 6"-12" to eradicate the blight from the game. JMHO.