Well-known member
I'll drive up to Effingham in April to your favorite pub to buy you a drink or two if the situation hasn't changed. I'll even let you play Ted Nugent on the jukebox.
....followed by Kid Rock.
I'll drive up to Effingham in April to your favorite pub to buy you a drink or two if the situation hasn't changed. I'll even let you play Ted Nugent on the jukebox.
Hey Chuck on the 'dismount' comment I was referring to how Scotty B saw the writing on the wall kind of thing, and got out of there....assuming he wanted the HC position and was told it wasn't gonna happen (isn't that what went down? I cannot remember and am too busy watching D1 Field Hockey semis to look it up haha). I hear you tho...alot of us keep coming back for more because we love the games and keep hoping things will get better?!? Right?
I know it's probably hard for a lot of folks to believe, but I am an optimist at heart. My bar for "quitting" is super high - after all, I didn't quit on the (not-so-)Fabulous Football Giants of the '70's, the "Dead Wings" of the '70's and early '80's, or the 'Cats in the early days of Hockey East (or my English soccer team Wolverhampton, which has been up and down the four divisions of the Football League so often, they need an elevator). The lower the lows, the higher the highs. So I'm here as a fan for the duration, and as a poster so long as Luce doesn't win it all.
BTW when referencing "Scotty B" I'll remind you that for 99.9% of hockey fans, "Scotty B" is NOT Scott Borek ... ;-)
I'll drive up to Effingwoods in April to your favorite pub to buy you a drink or two if the situation hasn't changed. I'll even let you play Ted Nugent on the jukebox.
it may well be the least accomplished coaching staff in the sport. And the results reflect that.
Oh, ok, do educate that in the future, I'll only call him Scott.
Ask and ye shall receive ...
I hear this 100%. I also feel like a 'bad fan' of sorts with my own comments, but I honestly think we care alot about the SA's and want the best for them. The more I think about that, how it seems decisions were made regardless of the actual facts of the matter, the more pizzed off I become about it. I thought what a long bus ride home that must have been last night (or today; no idea when they left Burlington). We do not generally 'call out the players' here and think we know they are most likely doing the best they can. And I believe there will be a lot of growth for this team (hopefully). But if nothing changes, nothing changes.
Were there any positives for the weekend? For one I think Fessenden had a decent weekend for the most part, Kristaps S got his first NCAA goal, our PK held up as it usually does. As for the 'new offense' welp not so much. Oh and Merrimack tops Hockey East right now, and as Chuck likes to say "let that sink in" but, they've been working towards improving that program one player at a time, have an obvious buy in from the players, so, there you go. Hard to say how it will all shake up but, this is the current reality. Isn't this all we are basically asking for?'s a terrible thing.
You are not a bad fan, this is just a bad team with poor coaching and recruiting. You can't really blame the players, bad players play bad. it is the reality that we are in and unfortunately the decline from Umile has become a cliff.
Fes having a decent weekend, no offense, isn't a positive. he gave up 4 goals against an also crappy D1 team that apparently is 1 tick better.
My positive from the weekend, maybe this pushes a change for next year. The recruits are coming in so its a several year project but maybe AD Rich see this as the time to say, thanks but no thanks for the future.
I didn’t know you liked chick flicks ChuckPlease don't try to find me in Effingham, 'Watcher. That would be a fool's errand. But the rest of the deal works for me. Not a super big fan of Ted Nugent the musician (my little brother listened to him shred constantly though), although I suspect he and Kid Rock got the name drops for other reasons, right guys??Not a big fan of U2 either, musically or otherwise, but if it means the UNH Hockey situation has markedly changed (not just an assistant coach sacrificed to the hockey gods), I'll get onstage and sing Bono karaoke 'til midnight. And we'd have to bring Snives, since whatever drinks you're buying me IF things sadly do remain status quo will just get passed down to the next barstool for several of my accrued IOU's from trivia contests of yore.
But definitely save yourself the trip to Effingham, and program your onboard Alexa for this elegant slice of Americana ...
Three part trivia quiz. Could be a while before I have a chance to collect by beer trivia quiz winnings at Libby’s, so here is a chance for anyone to collect these beers from Chuck in my stead. Or, Chuck may win back these beers himself.
1. Regardless whether we break our record of only 5 wins set in the 1985/86 season, name the other six teams that joined UNH to form the HEA that season.
2. Who was our last Cats goalie before Fessenden this past weekend to record an assist and in what season?
3. Back before goalies and/or their pads became enormous, goal scoring was more prolific. For example, in the 1985/86 season, despite only 5 wins, UNH scored 121 goals in 37 games with four double-digit goal scorers. Liam Devlin, with 4 goals, is on pace to be our only double digit goal scorer this season. Not counting the Covid-shortened 2020/21 season, UNH has been limited to only one double-digit goal scorer just once in the past 50 years. Who was that goal scorer and in which season?
I didn’t know you liked chick flicks ChuckJK that clip is hilarious! Let’s call it New England red neck comedy. Love it!
Nailed it. My life to the T Chuck except my super ball buster wife is from Watertown, MA. LOLSuch a shame that series never got made beyond the handful of sketches that remain on-line, I can pretty much name each and every location they used for shooting those bits. Although I noticed the "sports bar" (also a bowling alley in real life) got a new paint job recently. Wasn't that long ago, you could find a few stray drinking-age UNH players in that establishment on off-nights, as it's pretty close to Durham.
Juston McKinney is a hoot though, no one does NH comedy better, here's a new bit with a hilarious TB12 reference ...
Boston College
Boston University
2016/2017 season, Dan Tirone was the last UNH goalie to record an assist before Fessenden. He was also the last 'Cats goalie I could describe with a straight face as "slightly above average".
2017/2018 season, Liam Blackburn with a whopping eleven (11) goals.
Hopefully I've at least chipped into my owed bar tab with you Snives. Or we can all just get drunk on our own dimes??