Chuck Murray
WIS & Effingwoods Hockey Almanac
Personally I think UNH needs a new perspective that isn't UNH related...but decent eye candy tho hahaha
LOL. I find myself tagging onto Ref's posts pretty frequently of late. The "eye candy" definitely got me on this one. Brief story before I answer the question raised by the prior poster ... I forget what year it would have been, but obviously more than 20 years ago now ... I used to take our two daughters to games all over Hockey East back then, especially with our eldest. So there is a home game on a Friday night in the dead of the winter against some opponent lost to the sands of time, and Ayers is in goal, and UNH wins. It takes us a little while to get out, and then waiting in the A Lot behind the usual sellout crowd's worth of other cars, but we eventually get out of town, and we pull into a Chinese take-out place on the way back to Effingwoods. The place does have limited seating, mostly for folks waiting to get their orders, but I haven't ordered ahead (the cellphone revolution was only starting, and I wasn't calling ahead) so we get in a short line to order. My daughter is a young teen at that point, and is chatting up her usual post-game storm, but then suddenly goes dead quiet. What has caused this decidedly non-teenager silence?
I glance briefly to the corner of the sit-down area, and who do you think is there? Yup, the aforementioned Ayers, along with someone I'd guess was his girlfriend at the time, sitting quietly, and having just gotten their order. By now, my daughter is elbowing me repeatedly in the ribs, so I don't miss this magical "discovery" she's made. So I give her a knowing glance, and assure her that, yes, that is who she thinks it is. I also put my finger to my lips and nose in the universal "shhh" gesture, and let Ayers and his companion enjoy some Friday night public privacy. After we get our stuff and turn to leave, my eldest steals a final peek, and Ayers kind of half-waved in a sweet way, obviously having picked up on being a small-town superstar - something I'm sure had happened to him before. Ayers moved right to the top of our daughter's list, along with Haydar. That was just the way things were back then, with no social media, but a hugely popular UNH program whose stars still couldn't get any privacy.
As far as Ayers as a potential future UNH Head Coach ... if he was the guy that Umile picked almost 10 years ago, I probably would have been fine. And we'll never know how he would have done. But that didn't happen, and now with the struggles of MS7, I think he's sadly "poisoned the well" to some degree for UNH alums to succeed him. I still have all the time in the world for Eric Boguniecki, who would bring a resume of a 22 goal NHL season, a 200+ point career at UNH, and a 10 year stint as an AHL assistant coach, plus a personality that would light up all the runways at Pease AFB. Ayers is probably a BC lifer at this point, and given Souza's struggles, I think many would question hiring a goalie who had somehow managed not to win anything big at BC, and topped out professionally as a player as an ECHL/AHL 'tweener/back-up.
I guess we'll have to wait and see how the next few weeks go, and see if further discussion in this area will be in order. It's been a fun season of recovery from my Winter teams, with UNH at least becoming semi-relevant again (hoping for more than that), the Red Wings on course for a possible 100 point season after a decade in the wilderness, and in soccer both UNH and Wolves (PL) doing better than expected in their travails to date. It's nice to have some level of winning hockey back to enjoy after a long time away. Turns out I missed it, way more than I knew ...