Kind of like speaking English isnt best your attribute. Who's more comprehendable? You or Dusty Sourdough? Here is part of Dirty's Blog Entry prior to the series in Anchorage.
Since I really could not care less about the crappy and boring team that is the University of Alaska-Anchorage Seawolves, I looked for something else to write about this week. The only thing I could think of was to make fun of the mascot/prospector of the Sourdough Mining Co., Dusty. While looking for info on him, I located some of the crappiest commercials known to man. which coincidentally all just happen to originate in Alaska.
OK, this commercial starts out and I seriously have no idea what "Dusty" says. Perhaps something about being a hobo who has been given a fresh set of clothes? To answer your question Mr. Singer Guy...No, corn fritters don't sound very tasty to me. They sound disgusting in fact. I really wish I could have found the commercial that is featured during UAA games where Dusty loads his caravan up full of food with his mule Jake. That one is just comedy gold. This one is just average. The theme song is nowhere near UAA! UAA! We are the Seawolves and we're ready to play! Then again, what is? After seeing this commercial, I decided to check out the Sourdough Mining Company website . Look at this. How pathetic is Alaska? They are giving seasonal shows to hobos now? Shouldn't Donald have a job in this case?
Thanks for the play by play on a commercial we've all seen, Tool shed.
Now heres a commercial that we can all agree is great quality. Must have been UND alumni.
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Keep schmuckin' it up in the 'Forks Dirty. There's nothing Grand about the way they played on Saturday. Good game Seawolves.