Re: UMaine, 2011-2012 season thread, does anyone care anymore?
Recognize Ben Murphy sitting on the bench. Larry mentioned several in his column today, but would have been nice to have the rosters posted by somebody even Hockey East. Two games and have to say our alumni looked much better in the photos, had uni's and in none of the photos were they looking down at the puck. Morrison played net for both games. Was wondering if it was Grillo in the last picture on D, but Roger played a long time ago and that player looks younger even from behind based on posture. Have done the Fenway thing so will have the best seat tomorrow, my couch. Good luck to those attending you'll be lucky to see anything!
two ferraros in the second from the bottom on the left
Recognize Ben Murphy sitting on the bench. Larry mentioned several in his column today, but would have been nice to have the rosters posted by somebody even Hockey East. Two games and have to say our alumni looked much better in the photos, had uni's and in none of the photos were they looking down at the puck. Morrison played net for both games. Was wondering if it was Grillo in the last picture on D, but Roger played a long time ago and that player looks younger even from behind based on posture. Have done the Fenway thing so will have the best seat tomorrow, my couch. Good luck to those attending you'll be lucky to see anything!