Re: UAH Hockey 2011-12: Will Someone Break the Conference Logjam? Thanks.
We can offer you a nice warm seat.
Really? I just don't see it happening. I want to expand on something I wrote in the nWCHA thread; apologies if you've already read this in short form:
Here are the number of times that an Atlantic Hockey team has played
in Huntsville since UAH became a Division I team for the second time. I will omit games played by Robert Morris, Niagara, Air Force, and Army during the time they were in College Hockey America with UAH so as to not skew the results; 1998-99 games will be listed for completion. Okay? Okay!
Air Force# 2011-12
American International
Army$ 1999-00
Bentley 1998-99 2001-02
Canisius 2000-01 in the SCI Holiday Shootout
Connecticut 2003-04
Holy Cross 2004-05
Mercyhurst 1999-00 2011-12
Niagara% 1998-99
RIT* 2005-06
Robert Morris% 2010-11
Sacred Heart 2001-02
# part of CHA until 2005-06; man, it's been a while!
$ played as part of the future CHA in 1998-99 before jumping to the MAAC, leaving Air Force high and dry for seven seasons
% part of CHA until 2009-10
* joined D-I 2005-06
People, that's one schools who've never come here (AIC), nine schools who've come here just once---counting Niagara playing us as an independent/future conference mate, and counting Army returning a home-and-home set up when we thought they'd be in the CHA as well---in the fourteen seasons of UAH D-I round two, and two who have come twice. Also, note that RMU, AFA, and MC were the last three teams to come to Huntsville since
2005-06, when we were helping out RIT as has been noted. The last obvious fly date before Air Force this year was HC
eight seasons ago.
People have asked me if Atlantic Hockey is an option if the nWCHA tells us no. I say that it's a ****ed unlikely option. As I understand it, we were politely told no when we were searching for a new home, to say nothing of the super-conference option with Atlantic Hockey that saw MC and CC maybe leaving Atlantic Hockey to come to the CHA with the promise of a return if the CHA Really Did Fall Apart Like It Always Threatened to Do, and they were told no. I have to wonder if Air Force has a travel deal with Atlantic Hockey to make it palatable for them to go there.
If Atlantic Hockey schools were interested in coming to Huntsville, they'd have come by now. They're not coming.
Yes, I know that AH plays an insular schedule that leaves them with a limited number of non-conference dates, and I know that a Huntsville trip is expensive if you're flying.
Don't expect Atlantic Hockey to come riding on a white horse. It really is nWCHA or bust in my mind, and I don't think "the good of college hockey" means squat. If it did, would NCHC exist, and would Notre Dame have split for Hockey East? No. Schools are [rightly] looking out for their own interests. Now, do the nWCHA schools---schools who have to feel snubbed by everything that's happened in the last 14 months---perhaps consider things past their own enlightened self-interest? I would hope that they would. I think that's the only way we get into the nWCHA.
I hope that this settles the matter of Atlantic Hockey picking up UAH.
[Edited: I screwed up and forgot that Air Force came here this year. I have amended the post appropriately. Sorry, Zoomies. I won't do it again.]