Re: TV 5: Cliffhangers and Intros!
Im going to get negged for this but...Ive seen a few episodes of Big Bang Theory. It sucked. Of course I cant recall a show that I liked that had a laugh track since News Radio.
Edit: And Seinfeld. Seinfeld is good.
There's definitely a growing resentment against the show. Part of it is that its got Chuck Lorre's name attached to it and he's like the patron saint of lowest common denominator sit-coms.
I think it was a good show for the first season or two, but it has such unbelievably lazy writing. They find a note that works and they hit it over and over and over again. Of course, that's also what makes it so popular with the LCD crowd--think Fry's speech about how audiences don't want new and exciting things, they want the same thing over and over again. In the first two seasons, the scenes with Sheldon and Penny are great because Penny is brilliant as a straight man to Sheldon. But after a while, it's like, 'So how are we going to get Sheldon and Penny in a room together this week?' Last night, not only do we get the umpteenth LOLZ Sheldon can't keep a simple secret storyline, but then a second later, we hear him admitting he's been keeping a big secret from Leonard, so it doesn't even make sense.
The later episodes are also pretty bad because they've gone way overboard with Sheldon. Seinfeld would have sucked too if Kramer turned into 75% of the show's focus.
Also, The Office sucks. I hope we're getting closer to the episode where Jim Halpert has to return to his home planet and dies in a spaceship crash along the way, followed by a notarized letter saying that he is dead and can never, ever return. This show doesn't just need a mercy killing when Carrell walks out of the door. Everyone should die a fire in the season finale. Except for Todd Packer and that In the Loop kid. I'd watch that show.