Wanda Vision.
The first half of the series was perverse and ambiguous, playing around with reality and perception. It was excellent. The second half gradually settled down into MCU banality. By the finale it was just another comic book sausage with the same tired themes and thin characters nobody could care about except as archetypes.
MCU is like Italian opera or Grand Guignol melodrama. A few adolescent themes and stock characters, and then the infinite juggling of them until resolution in a small number of permitted conclusions. Just like the prior two art forms, it can be very entertaining when done well, and Wanda Vision was done very well.
What I liked was it took some characters that had zero development in the movies and made me actually have some feelings for them. The fact that Wanda, in probably just 10 minites of MCU film, watched her brother die in Age of Ultron, Vision die twice in Infinity War, made a catastrophic mess of things in Age of Ultron, and all we got for her backstory was a quick soundbite discussing her childhood.... and they gave her nine TV episodes to build up her character so well. [Spoiler-ish:]
And then they kill her love *again*.
I get that the first two-and-a-half episodes are a slow burn, but goddammed if that "jump scare" in episode three doesn't make you wonder just how far the wheels are gonna fall off.
Sure the ending was "typical Marvel," but it's a comic book, only so much you can do anyway. The ride from the end of episode three through episode eight was similar, to me, in the downfall we saw of Walter White in Breaking Bad.
The only thing that irks me is how the TV and Movie divisions refused to get on the same page until now. Agents of Shield, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and Daredevil all should have been able to do more than just winks and nods, but it took experimenting with a sorta-bit character from the movies for the MCU to have a light bulb moment.
I am afraid The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is going to be a letdown after the surprise meteoric rise of WandaVision.