Re: Top Chef D.C. - Season 7
First episode aired tonight at 9pm EST.
Big purse for that first Quickfire!
Kenny's speed in the competition was awesome. Loved to see Angelo's frustration after listening to him yammer on about all the places he'd been. Blech. I was disappointed to see Angelo win, but it's only the 1st one. And while I'm watching the Elimination Challenge, Angelo is going to get annoying real quick...

And foam...*slaps forehead* Frick...he wins too.
I'd have reservations about eating at John's restaurant with all that hair...I know it's all dred-ed back, but...ew? Also, he's super-awkward.
WHY do people insist on doing gnocci? I don't think it worked out for Ashley last season and the judges always talk about how it's too heavy and rarely ever seasonal for when they shoot Top Chef. You'd think that contestants would watch previous seasons and take some notes...(like memorizing a recipe)
I'm curious as to why they chose Eric Ripert as a new judge. I'm certainly not complaining (I really like him a lot), but he is a curious choice. I wonder if this means that there will be more fish-based challenges. I'm also curious as to why he chose to join the cast, I'd imagine that between his PBS show and his restaurants, he'd be pretty busy as it is.
I'm excited for the new season, but I have reservations about how it will compare to other seasons. I'm sure we're not supposed to compare, but man, last season was really awesome. The talent was high, there wasn't a ton of drama (other than the Robin issue), and the food was really on another level compared with some of the other seasons (and in general).
I'm not sure how I feel about the new graphics.
(Padma still has some baby weight, but I think she looks good)