Deport Right Wing Nuts
Re: Time for a change at UVM
I also think an expectation that someone who cares and has an obvious interest would / should either withhold their comments, or speak them freely based on whether the sport does or does not generate revenue is not very realistic.
My Dad did mention something about taking the good with the bad...too darn many times as I grew up. Also used to say one has to accept criticism at times during life.
We didn't get along too well in my adolescence. 
I have to confess, I do find your frequent insistence that opinions and comments of a particular nature should be suppressed in this public forum troublesome. In a public forum you simply can't censor opinions just because those opinions make you uncomfortable, or you don't agree with those opinions...or you don't think it's proper etiquette to discuss the topic herein. What if the source is just a fan who cares about a program with no familial connection? IMO they also have the right to comment...right here if they want. There's a great big variety of people and reasons they might have something to say on this and similar matters. I wouldn't agree only people with vested interest based on a family connection can be involved in commentary regarding a team coaching staff personnel, therefore I would also not agree the approach you and Slewfoot apparently believe is the only method to seek change or simply weigh in is the only option.The reality is that most posters on this board are parents of womens college hockey players, past, present and future. As a result most of the naysaying comes from people with "vested" interest in the program. As Slewfoot so eloquenty stated, "fans" with a "vested" interest still connected to a program should work within the confines of the program, to enact change as opposed to running a campaign on this board.
I also think an expectation that someone who cares and has an obvious interest would / should either withhold their comments, or speak them freely based on whether the sport does or does not generate revenue is not very realistic.
My Dad did mention something about taking the good with the bad...too darn many times as I grew up. Also used to say one has to accept criticism at times during life.